A kanban-based workflow management system


Kanban boards have been around for decades without substantial changes to their original form. While they may not be the best tool for every team or project, kanban boards deliver what they promise: immediate visibility of a project's process, the responsibilities for each task, and any bottlenecks in the workflow. Kanban boards present this information in a way that is particularly well suited to self-organized teams without a boss directing tasks.

Wekan effectively implements kanban principles for workflow management. However, Wekan's effectiveness relies on all users following the rules. If all team members reliably enter all tasks, update the task statuses, and so on, Wekan will be helpful. Otherwise, it may create (or hide until it's too late) problems and frustration. If you and your team decide to use Wekan as your assistant, you must really be faithful to Wekan's kanban principles.

To find out how Wekan (and kanban principles in general) can benefit your team, give Wekan a try for a week or two on a test project. Wekan is a cool tool, as long as you use it appropriately.


  1. Kanban: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban
  2. Scrum: http://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-scrum
  3. Thoughts on paper-based kanban boards: http://www.jrothman.com/mpd/project-management/2017/02/why-i-use-a-paper-kanban-board/
  4. Wekan: https://wekan.github.io/
  5. Meteor: http://www.meteor.com
  6. Sandstorm: https://sandstorm.io/
  7. Installing Wekan from sources on CentOS 7: http://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/centos-wekan-installation/
  8. Configuring email: https://github.com/wekan/wekan-snap/issues/107
  9. Kanban swimlanes: https://kanbanize.com/kanban-resources/kanban-software/kanban-swimlanes
  10. "Keep Your Documents Organized with SeedDMS" by Marco Fioretti, Linux Magazine, issue 249, August 2021, pp. 88-93

The Author

Marco Fioretti (http://mfioretti.com) is a freelance author, trainer, and researcher based in Rome, Italy. He has been working with free/open source software since 1995 and on open digital standards since 2005. Marco also is a Board Member of the Free Knowledge Institute (http://freeknowledge.eu) and blogs about digital rights at https://stop.zona-m.net.

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