
Variations on a Theme

Adapt the appearance of the GRUB boot menu, boot screen, and KDE splash screen

Mar 02, 2020

Power users can adjust the look of their desktops in openSUSE with just a few clicks. We'll show you how to customize the GRUB boot menu, the boot splash screen, and the KDE start screen.

Reuse and Recycle

A digital picture frame with weather forecast

Mar 02, 2020

A digital picture frame displays photographs and a current weather forecast with just a few hundred lines of Bash and a Raspberry Pi.

Sketch Artist

Draw and paint in Linux

Mar 02, 2020

If you are looking for an open source drawing program, Krita and MyPaint both offer graphic tablet support and brushes. Deciding which one works best depends on your specific needs.

Preserve Your Favorite Pages

Making an online archive of all your bookmarked pages

Jan 30, 2020

If you have a large collection of bookmarked pages, it's worth protecting! With the right scripts, you can create an archive so you never lose access to all your favorite web pages.

Old School

Using the curses library to view IoT data

Jan 30, 2020

When you need some quick graphical output, the old school curses library can save you some time and effort.

Organized Games

GameHub displays all your games in a single interface

Jan 30, 2020

If you regularly buy games through Steam, GOG, and Humble Bundle, GameHub can help you keep them organized by bringing them all together into a single library.

Interactive Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheets for the shell

Apr 08, 2020

When the history function fails and the manpage is too long, navi comes to the rescue with an interactive cheat sheet for the shell.


System76’s Company Distro

May 11, 2020

Pop!_OS’s design may get in the way of its functionality for some users.

Pocket-Size Programming

Microcontroller programming with BBC micro:bit

Jan 30, 2020

Designed for students, the BBC micro:bit, in conjunction with MicroPython and the Mu editor, can help you get started with microcontroller programming.

Double Protection

Workshop: Lock down your Linux system with Firewalld and OpenSnitch

Jan 30, 2020

For maximum security, you'd better watch traffic in both directions. This hands-on workshop takes you through the steps of setting up firewalls for outgoing as well as incoming traffic.

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