

A Password Protection Service

Jul 08, 2019

Fail2ban is a quick to deploy, easy to set up, and free to use intrusion prevention service that protects your systems from brute force and dictionary attacks.

The Writer's Toolbox

Open Source Tools for Writers

Jan 23, 2019

When it comes to writing, using the right tools can free you up to focus on your content.

Out of This World

Running x86 Programs on the Rasp Pi

Jan 23, 2019

Some of your favorite programs might not run on Raspberry Pi because no version is available for the ARM architecture. ExaGear Desktop changes that by acting as a translator between the ARM and x86 worlds.

Cross-Platform Database Management with DBeaver

Data Director

Jun 24, 2019

Save time and effort as you rummage through large quantities of data.

Making PDFs More Secure in LibreOffice Writer

PDF Security

Jun 11, 2019

Depending on your needs, LibreOffice Writer offers varying degrees of security for PDFs.

Tutorials – OpenSCAD

3D Designer

Mar 27, 2019

Ah! What a joy your first 3D printer … but once you have printed your first benchy, where do you go from there? To building your own pieces, of course!

Hardening Linux for Production Use

Security Toolbox

Jun 07, 2019

To protect your production server from attacks, employ these common security tools to help safeguard your system.

Ebooks Almost from Scratch

Makeshift ebook tool chain

May 28, 2019

While no single tool for ebook creation exists, you can combine LibreOffice, Calibre, and some manual editing of CSS tags to produce your own ebook.

In the Design

Exploring elementary OS

Jan 23, 2019

Elementary OS is an elegant Linux with a long-term vision and a focus on good design.

Turbocharge Your Network with Zeroshell

Zero to Hero

May 14, 2019

Turn an old unused computer into a state-of-the-art router.

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