Photos News and Articles

A digital picture frame with weather forecast

NEWS: Reuse and Recycle free

DIY photography tools

LINUX VOICE: Follow the Script free

Dig up Photos Buried in Emails with Lost Photos Found

Productivity Sauce


Create Geotagged Galleries in WordPress with Easy2Map Photos

Productivity Sauce


Darktable 1.2 RAW converter

LINUXUSER: Into the Dark free

Quickly Publish Photos on the Web with Photocrumbs

Productivity Sauce


Luminance HDR offers top-notch high dynamic range imaging

LINUXUSER: More Light free

MediaGoblin: Saving the Internet Through Federation


A new project for sharing media files might be as important for its philosophy as its features.

NEWS: Tech Tools

Pygmyfoto, a DIY photo publishing solution

LINUXUSER: Photo Rolling