Manjaro Team Tests Immutable Version of its Arch-Based Distribution

Aug 05, 2024

If you're a fan of immutable operating systems, you'll be thrilled to know that the Manjaro team is working on an immutable spin that is now available for testing.

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Nitrux 3.6.0 (“ie”) Available for Download and Install

Jul 31, 2024

The latest version of the systemd-free Linux distribution, Nitrux, has been released for general usage and includes the beta of the upcoming NVIDIA 560 graphics driver.

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Vanilla OS 2 Orchid Available for Download

Jul 29, 2024

The latest iteration of Vanilla OS (Orchid) has been released and uses a hybrid Debian base.

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Debian-Based eLxr Distribution Announced for Edge Deployments

Jul 29, 2024

Open source eLxr offers a seamless operating environment for edge-to-cloud deployments.

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OpenMandriva Lx 24.07 Released

Jul 22, 2024

If you’re into rolling release Linux distributions, OpenMandriva ROME has a new snapshot with a new kernel.

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Linux Mint 22 Stable Delayed

Jul 08, 2024

If you're anxious about getting your hands on the stable release of Linux Mint 22, it looks as if you're going to have to wait a bit longer.

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Nitrux 3.5.1 Available for Install

Jul 08, 2024

The latest version of the immutable, systemd-free distribution includes an updated kernel and NVIDIA driver.

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Debian 12.6 Released with Plenty of Bug Fixes and Updates

Jul 01, 2024

The sixth update to Debian "Bookworm" is all about security mitigations and making adjustments for some "serious problems."

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