Linux Mint 7 is Here

May 29, 2009

Clement Lefebvre has released new version of Linux Mint (Codename Gloria) available for download. This version includes a new menu and a reworked packet manager.

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Android on Ubuntu

May 28, 2009

Michael Frey, Canonical developer and member of the OEM team, has shown at the UDS in Spanish Barcelona that Google's Android can run on Ubuntu.

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Linux New Media Launches Ubuntu User Magazine

May 28, 2009

(Lawrence, KS, USA: May 28, 2009) Linux New Media USA, LLC, announces the launch of a new print publication, Ubuntu User magazine.

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Moblin from OpenSUSE: SLED 11 as Moblin Boots in 10 Seconds

May 28, 2009

Novell's and Intel's collaboration on the Moblin project is showing its first fruits. The beta version of Moblin appeared alongside a special version of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.

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Nexenta Core 2.0 with Ubuntu 8.04 Packages

May 27, 2009

Nexenta Core Platform (NCP), a free OS with the OpenSolaris kernel and GNU userland, is now out in version 2.0.

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DVD Inlay This month’s DVD comes with two great Free Linux distros

May 26, 2009
This month’s DVD comes with two great Free Linux distros: Debian GNU/ Linux 5.0.1 “Lenny” and Mandriva Linux 2009.1......
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Newest Puppy Linux in Version 4.2.1

May 25, 2009

Puppy Linux 4.2.1 mainly fixes some bugs, but also provides a few enhancements and some good news. For one thing, Barry Kauler is returning as main developer for the project.

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FSF Settles with Cisco over Licensing

May 21, 2009

In December 2008, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) filed a lawsuit against network giant Cisco, claiming that its subsidiary Linksys had multiple violations of the GPL. The two parties have now reached an agreement.

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