Sysvinit vs. Upstart: Boot Performance for Debian and Ubuntu

Jul 01, 2009

Developers from Debian and Ubuntu met and discussed ways to improve boot performance at Canonical’s London headquarters.

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Jun 30, 2009


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Linux Magazine DVD Two great free Linux distros

Jun 30, 2009
This month’s DVD comes with two great Free Linux distros: Debian GNU/ Linux 5.0.1 “Lenny” and Mandriva Linux 2009.1 F......
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State of Linux Drivers New directions in Linux driver management

Jun 30, 2009

Linux developers are working on a whole new generation of tools for managing and updating device drivers. We'll help you get a handle on device drivers.

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Mono Discussion: Stallman Warns, Ubuntu Dismissive

Jun 29, 2009

The introduction of Mono into Linux and the open source environment begs risking patent claims from Microsoft. Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman sees it that way. The Technical board at Ubuntu, on the other hand, doesn't consider it any reason to be disturbed.

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LinuxTag 2009: Communtu Eases Ubuntu Installation

Jun 25, 2009

Communtu wants to give new installers and Windows converts an easier time with Ubuntu. They will present a webpage with a list of suggested programs to install as a metapackage, including multimedia and proprietary software, and then install it.

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Linux Dominates the Top of 500 List

Jun 23, 2009

The 33. International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) 09 has released its Top 500 List. US machines dominate the first ten positions with Linux Roadrunner leading, but slots 3 and 10 have been taken by Linux PCs from the Juelich development center in Germany.

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Linux à la française: First Alpha from Mandriva Linux 2010

Jun 23, 2009

Mandriva Linux 2010 is set to appear on the scene with an alpha version in October. First attempts with the free version (in 32- and 64-bit) have been approved. In the meantime the French company has let its community down by cancelling the LinuxTag visit last minute.

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