LibreOffice vs OpenOffice The Clear Choice

Feb 08, 2022

While LibreOffice and OpenOffice have a shared past, LibreOffice outstrips OpenOffice in contributors, code commits, and features.

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Zorin OS 16 Educational Spin Now Available

Feb 07, 2022

The makers of one of the most user-friendly and beautiful Linux desktops on the market have released an education-centric spin of their distribution.

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System76 Releases AMD-Powered Kudu Laptop

Feb 02, 2022

Denver-based System76 welcomes back a familiar face to their laptop lineup with the Kudu.

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Ubuntu Budgie Sets its Sights on Gamers

Jan 24, 2022

The upcoming release of Ubuntu Budgie includes a few nifty features that should make the lives of gamers a bit easier.

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Linux Mint Edge Is Ready for the Newest Hardware

Jan 19, 2022

With the release of Linux Mint 20.03 comes a new version geared for newer hardware.

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Impersonating Other Systems with the Zorin Appearance Tool Chameleon

Jan 10, 2022

The Zorin Appearance tool can mimic the desktop layout of proprietary operating systems, making it appealing to newcomers.

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Linux Mint 20.3 Now Available

Jan 10, 2022

That latest release of Linux Mint is now available for general use and offers a polished, but less Mint-y theme.

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Linux is Getting an Exciting New Firmware Feature

Jan 05, 2022

Intel is bringing a new driver to the 5.17 kernel that will make it possible to update firmware without a reboot.

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