Advanced Features of LibreOffice Impress Impress at Work

Aug 18, 2020

Do more with LibreOffice Impress! It’s a great tool for creating outlines and flashcards, and it has many features and extensions that make it easy to pull together professional presentations.

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Designing Ebooks with Free Software Custom Publishing

Mar 03, 2020

With LibreOffice Writer and Calibre, you can publish your own ebooks with better results than most online conversion tools.

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LibreOffice 6.4 Released

Feb 03, 2020

The unofficial office suite for the Linux platform has performance in mind for users.

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Official Evernote Client Coming to Linux

Jan 30, 2020

The most widely-used note-taking app is coming to Linux.

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Useful and Innovative Free Fonts Open Source Fonts

Nov 25, 2019

If you are looking for a replacement for a proprietary font, open source fonts offer plenty of options.

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Zotero and LibreOffice A Better Tool for Bibliographies

Sep 16, 2019

If you’re working with LibreOffice and need to create a bibliography, this software makes it simple to manage your citations.

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Write a Novel with Open Source Tools First Draft

Jul 09, 2019

If you are looking for an open source tool to help you write your next novel, bibisco, ManusKript, and Plume Creator can help you get started.

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Making PDFs More Secure in LibreOffice Writer PDF Security

Jun 11, 2019

Depending on your needs, LibreOffice Writer offers varying degrees of security for PDFs.

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