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Article from Issue 284/2024

Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 LTS and Rescuezilla 2.5

Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 LTS


Ubuntu Budgie is an official flavor of Ubuntu, the popular Debian-derivative. Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) is a long term support (LTS) release, which will be supported until May 2027. Built around Ubuntu Core, Ubuntu Budgie ships with its own applications, such as the Control Center, as well as accessibility tools and applets. It differs from the general Budgie desktop in its default use of icons rather than text and a dock for open apps.

The 20.24 release offers improved hot corners, additional tiling options, and Bluetooth tethering (i.e., the ability to access the Internet from a phone linked to the desktop). Also featured are numerous new and redesigned applets and additional administrative tools, including new settings for Wacom tablets, battery indicators for Bluetooth devices, and a Restore button for the Trash. By any standards, Noble Numbat is a major release for users of all levels, enhanced by a strong aesthetic sensibility.

Rescuezilla 2.5

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