A polished, user-friendly desktop

Distro Walk – Ubuntu Budgie

© Photo by Navi on Unsplash

© Photo by Navi on Unsplash

Article from Issue 284/2024

Ubuntu Budgie combines the simplicity of the Budgie desktop with the power of Ubuntu, resulting in a customizable desktop experience.

Ubuntu has 10 official flavors. Most are based on the default desktop, while Edubuntu is centered on education and Kylin on the needs of Chinese users. Among these variants, Ubuntu Budgie stands out, not only because Budgie is a desktop that is less than a decade old, but because the development team has gone to great lengths to produce a polished, user-friendly desktop and many outstanding applications. Our request for more information about Ubuntu Budgie was answered by David Mohammed, Ubuntu Budgie's leader and founder, and Nikola Stoji'c, the project's web manager.

Linux Magazine (LM): How did Ubuntu Budgie start? Tell readers about Budgie's historical ups and downs.

David: Budgie Remix was the original name for Ubuntu Budgie – it came from a 2016 Google+ reply from Mark Shuttleworth about an up-and-coming desktop environment called Budgie that could be a good fit for Ubuntu. The original remix was put together over a couple of weeks and received really positive feedback that has enabled the momentum to keep rolling forward for the last eight years.


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