
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns

Chapter 1: Expressive JavaScript

Sep 16, 2008

JavaScript is one of the most popular and widely used languages in the world today. Because it is embedded in all modern browsers, it has an extraordinarily wide distribution. As a language, it is incredibly important in our daily lives, powering the websites that we go to and helping the Web to present a rich interface.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 1

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 2

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 3

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 4

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 5

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Django Reloaded, Workshop, Part 6

Programming with the Python Django web framework

Sep 12, 2008

The screencast is from Douglas Napoleone of the Python Software Foundation, programming with the Django Framework.

Going Live: "This Week in Django" at DjangoCon

It all starts with a tweet.

Sep 05, 2008

For more than 36 episodes over the past 10 months, Trier and Rosner, the co-hosts of TWiD, have been weekly voices of the Django community – discussing big news, tracking trunk releases, covering community notes, and inviting the occasional guest to join the discussion. And this weekend, at the first ever DjangoCon, the TWiD crew gets its chance to broadcast live and uncut in front of all their peers – the community that powers the content driving TWiD each and every week.


PHPWomen Contest Winner

Aug 25, 2008

PHPWomen.org recently held an article-writing contest on their Best Practices Forum. Authors of the two winning submissions each received copies of Zend Studio for Eclipse, a 1-year subscription to Linux Pro Magazine (which is called Linux Magazine outside North America), and the opportunity to feature their articles on the magazine websites. Congratulations goes to Rob Allen for his winning submission!

Report from LinuxWorld 2008

The event evolves

Aug 25, 2008

Some of the excitement, and much of the usual fanfare, were missing from the 2008 LinuxWorld event in San Francisco. Show-goers wondered whether they had ever seen a LinuxWorld with so little splash and flare. And yet, splash isn't everything. In the press rooms and business meetings, the industry seemed poised to launch a new era of appliances, netbooks, and virtual everything.

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