
CeBIT Open Source 2011 - Project Presentation Tellmatic


During CeBIT 2011 open source projects such as Tellmatic, PHP and Mysql based easy-to-use Newsletter system, will have the opportunity to showcase what is currently in active development.

Short and sweet: How would you describe your project in one or two sentences?

Tellmatic is a PHP and Mysql based easy-to-use Newsletter system to send scheduled jobs for personalized Mailings. Beneath standard features from professional Newslettersystems like Tracking, Statistics, Import/Export etc, Tellmatic has a built-in qualitymanagement nad much more professional features you won't miss.

When did the project begin?

First Version of Tellmatic was released in March 2007.

How many active members does the project have?

Just one developer, Tellmatic is a one man show.

Why was the project created?

In 2006 I was asked to code a small newsleterscript. Unfortunately the client didn't really know what he wants and had very vague ideas about the project, limited interest and was finally not willing to pay the 3 months of time I spend in building the scripts. So I decided to recode the programm and release it under an open source license to be used by everyone to not lose all the hard work done. I personally do not use Tellmatic.

Why should a CeBIT visitor come to your booth?

Users and people who are interested in newsletter and marketing can inform about future plans and give his opinions and ides/wishes for future releases.

Who do you make your software for?

Tellmatic was designed for people who wants to inform theire users but not with sending just simple mails, but want quality, feedback and statistics too.

Where do you see your biggest current challenges?

Biggest problem is the documentation. its very time consuming and takes more time than just coding new features.

If you could hire a full-time project developer now, what problem should he or she be ready to solve?

- Multiuser/Multi-Site/Multicustomer (One Installation, many Users/Authors/Customers) - Documentation (Frontend, Code) - ACL for Multiuser - Statistics etc.

Under which license is the software currently offered?

GPL, since release TM uses the AGPL library

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