Red Hat Enters Virtualization Support Agreement with Microsoft

Feb 17, 2009

U.S. Linux vendor Red Hat has entered a cooperation agreement with Microsoft in technical support of server virtualization.

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Xandros Unveils Linux for Freescale Netbooks

Feb 16, 2009

Xandros has launched an ARM based Linux version for netbooks and Mobile Internet Devices at the Mobile World Congress in Spain's Barcelona.

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Novell openSUSE: Development Ebbing?

Feb 16, 2009

Last week Novell announced a layoff of almost 100 employees "in response to the global economic downturn," without any further details. New information now brings into question the software house's commitment to openSUSE.

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Debian 5.0: Way to Go, Lenny!

Feb 16, 2009

The deal is closed: Debian 5.0, code-named Lenny, is officially available.

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FOSDEM Video: Micro Distro Summit

Feb 14, 2009

Nils Magnus of Linux Magazine Online pulled together the heads of three Linux distros for an interview and put them in a video: openSUSE's Joe Brockmeier, Debian's Steve McIntyre and Red Hat's Max Spevack.

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Cuba Libre: Island Launches its Own Linux Distribution

Feb 12, 2009

Home PCs have been available in Cuba only since last year, with 20% already using the Linux operating system. In five years, this should rise to 50%.

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LSB 4.0 Beta for Review

Feb 11, 2009

The Linux Standard Base (LSB) wants to strengthen the compatibility with various Linux systems. The new beta of the LSB 4.0 is now available for review with specifications and applications tools.

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Red Hat CEO Whitehurst: Open Source Better, Faster

Feb 11, 2009

After a year as its head, Jim Whitehurst has issued a financial assessment of the Red Hat Linux distro and spoke of its future plans. He sees the company braced for success, with an advantage over its proprietary competitors, thanks to Open Source.

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