Debian Founder Murdock Now Sun's Cloud Strategist

Jan 28, 2009

Debian Linux founder and former OpenSolaris chief Ian Murdock is taking over the role of chief strategist for cloud computing at Sun Microsystems.

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Sugar Defies OLPC Cutbacks

Jan 26, 2009

After the OLPC project announced it would cut financial support for Sugar, developers have taken the future of the learning platform into their own hands.

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Venice Region Migrates to Open Source

Jan 26, 2009

In an effort to reduce costs, municipal authorities in the Veneto region around the Italian city of Venice, will change to open source.

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Hildon vs. QT: Developers at Ubuntu Mobile consider Change to KDE

Jan 22, 2009

Since November 2008 it's been popular knowledge that Ubuntu has been working on a version of its operating system for the mobile ARMv7 architecture, especially for Cortex A8/A9 processors. Now it seems that Ubuntu mobile might drop Gnome Mobile Hildon framework in favor of Qt.

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RHEL 5.3 Brings Nehalem Support and OpenJDK

Jan 21, 2009

Red Hat has released its version 5.3 of Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Among its new features are support for Intel's Microarchitecture (Nehalem) processor and for larger systems. It also includes the Java SE6-compliant OpenJDK.

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OpenSUSE Seeks Successor for ATI Driver Script Maintenance

Jan 21, 2009

Developer Stefan Dirsch is responsible for maintaining the openSUSE build scripts of the fglrx driver. In a message on the openSUSE developer mailing list, he appeals for a successor to take over the maintenance.

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License to Spy: Ubuntu Developer Week

Jan 21, 2009

The Ubuntu Developer Week, which began yesterday and runs until Friday, is a perfect opportunity to look over the shoulders of the Ubuntu developers.

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Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 3: New Notifications and Ext4

Jan 20, 2009

Canonical has released its third alpha version of Ubuntu 9.04. It brings a few new features to test, including notification settings in the user interface and the much publicized ext4 filesystem support.

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