openSUSE 11.1 Downloads: 175TByte traffic in first 30 hours

Dec 29, 2008

It didn't quite make the planned 200TB, but with 175BT in 30 hours, openSUSE 11.1 has again set a new download record.

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Debian Seeking New Project Secretary

Dec 23, 2008

Current balloting for Debian Lenny's future has led to strife in the organization. Secretary of the free project, Manoj Srivastava, has resigned his position. A possible consequence is that the next version will undergo further delay in its release.

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Ubuntu 9.04: Second Alpha from Jaunty Jackalope

Dec 23, 2008

The Ubuntu Community has laid its second alpha version of Ubuntu 9.04, alias Jaunty Jackalope, under the Christmas tree.

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Red Hat Third Quarter Exceeds Expectations

Dec 23, 2008

Linux undertaking Red Hat has recorded a 24.3 million dollar profit in the third quarter of 2008, bettering last year's numbers.

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Five Reasons to Make Friends with Puppy Why you should give this Puppy a closer look

Dec 22, 2008

By now, you might have noticed that I'm a big fan of Puppy Linux. It is the distro I'm running on my workhorse ASUS Eee PC 701 4G netbook, and it helps me to stay productive not only in airports, cafés, and hotel rooms but also at home. But if you are still undecided whether you should give Puppy Linux a try, here are five reasons why this little gem deserves a closer look.

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Shuttleworth Calls for Screenshots From the Community

Dec 22, 2008

Mark Shuttleworth is appealing to community members to send him screenshots of their standard 1024x768 desktops. His aim is to collect ideas that will improve the desktop experience.

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Sixth Debian Update Improves Etch Security

Dec 22, 2008

The Debian Project has released a sixth update for the current stable version of Gnu/Linux 4.0, codenamed Etch.

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openSUSE 11.1 with vast improvements to KDE4

Dec 18, 2008

The openSUSE Project has released version 11.1 of its Community Linux today. Besides undergoing comprehensive maintenance, the release brings vast improvements to the KDE 4 Desktop.

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