Dec 05, 2008
OpenSUSE is the community arm of the venerable SUSE Linux – one of the oldest and most popular Linux distributions i......
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Dec 05, 2008
Mandriva Linux is known around the world for easy installation and an innovative collection of configuration tools.......
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Dec 05, 2008
The powerful and practical Ubuntu Linux is known around the world for reliability and ease of use. Ubuntu’s unclutte......
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Why Can't Computers Just Work All the Time?

Dec 04, 2008

The feud between Minix inventor and operating system czar Andrew W. Tanenbaum and Linux Torvalds is legendary in the OS world. Before Linux there was Minix. Torvalds used to be a Minix user who set up his first Linux version in 1991 on Professor Tanenbaum’s operating system. Mr. Tanenbaum has now agreed to write a guest editorial for Linux Magazine. His opinion has not changed over the years: Linux (and Windows) are “unreliable.”

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Debian Takes AGPL Software into Main

Dec 04, 2008

The FTP team at the Debian project have decided that the Affero GPL version 3 licensing (AGPLv3) is consistent enough with the guidelines of the Linux distro that software with the licensing can go into Debian's main archive.

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OpenSolaris Live CD 2008.11 with Distro Toolbox and Automated Install

Dec 03, 2008

The OpenSolaris project has issued its second solid release with the Live CD 2008.11, which integrates subprojects such as the installer and package manager.

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Mandriva Fires Two Developers

Dec 03, 2008

Mandriva's financial situation appears to be none too rosy. At the end of the year, the distributor will terminate the employment of two of its freelance workers, Adam Williams, effectively the Community Manager, and Package Manager Oden Eriksson.

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Grml 2008.11 with Libata, but without Truecrypt

Dec 02, 2008

Aimed mainly at sysadmins and text tool users, the Debian-based Linux distribution Grml is now available in version 2008.11.

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