Partitioning Magic: Parted Magic Version 3

Jul 30, 2008

The makers of Parted Magic 3.0 refer to this as the "most aggressive changelog of any release to date".

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Jul 29, 2008
University builds open source payment system Open Source City Liverpool New tiny Brazilian Live Distro......
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Debian Lenny Freeze

Jul 28, 2008

The Debian project has frozen the codebase for the next generation release, Version 5.0 ("Lenny") of its Linux distribution. This rules out any changes to software packages, except where the changes are absolutely necessary for the release.

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Dell Adds Ubuntu Machines to Notebook Portfolio

Jul 22, 2008

Starting shortly, Dell will be supplying its Linux computers with Ubuntu 8.04.

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Debian Lenny Freeze Imminent

Jul 21, 2008

The Debian developers are preparing for the publication of Debian Lenny in September. The Release Team has just announced a complete freeze of all packages for next week.

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Live Distros with NTFS Accessing NTFS from a Linux live distro

Jul 15, 2008

A Linux live distro may be just what you need to recover a Windows computer brought down by a system problem or virus attack. Knoppix creator Klaus Knopper gives you some tips for accessing NTFS from live Linux.

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Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha 2 with New Kernel

Jul 15, 2008

The second Alpha version of Ubuntu 8.10 (codename "Intrepid Ibex") has just been released. It includes new and in part unstable Debian packages along with the latest versions of various applications.

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Opensuse Build Service 1.0: Open Teamwork

Jul 12, 2008

The Novell sponsored Opensuse project has released version 1.0 of its build service in a step that will make working on software packages for the distribution much easier for external developers.

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