Apr 29, 2008
Knoppix is the quintessential Live troubleshooting tool for admins, developers, and desktop Linux users. This Debia......
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Wind River for Suns UltraSPARC T2

Apr 23, 2008

After porting its Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) and Workbench developer environment to Sun's multithreading capable UltraSPARC T2 processor, embedded specialist Wind River says that it has laid down the tracks for the development of high-performance network components.

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First Opensuse 11 Beta

Apr 21, 2008

OpenSuse is rapidly approaching the next version of the free Linux distribution with the release of the first beta version. According to the roadmap the final version of OpenSuse 11.0 will be released June 19.

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Fedora 9: Preview Ready - Release Postponed

Apr 18, 2008

The Fedora developers have released a preview of the next version of the Fedora 9 Linux distribution; this is the most important release en route to the final version, they say.

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Sidux 2008.1 – Live CD on Debian Sid Basis

Apr 15, 2008

Version 2008-1 of the live distribution Sidux, which is based on Debian Sid, has just been released.

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Steve McIntyre is the New Debian Project Leader

Apr 14, 2008

The results of the election are confirmed: Debian veteran Steve McIntyre has won the Debian Project Leader (DPL) election in the third round of voting.

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Debian 3.1: Update No. 8 and Goodbye

Apr 14, 2008

The Debian project has just announced the end of support for the “oldstable” version Debian 3.1, alias Sarge parallel to the release of the update number 8.

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Mandriva 2008 Spring Ready

Apr 09, 2008

French distributor Mandriva has released its latest Linux offering, 2008.1 Spring.

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