Mini Notebooks: HP Jumps on the Bandwagon

Apr 08, 2008

Hewlett Packard has announced a 9” HP 2133 mini-notebook in line with the current MID boom.

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Knoppix 5.3.1: Lenny Basis, KDE 4.0 and Accessibility Software

Mar 28, 2008

Klaus Knopper has released version 5.3.1 of his live Knoppix system. The codebase comes courtesy of Lenny, the next generation Debian.

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Hardy Heron Beta - Alias Ubuntu 8.04

Mar 25, 2008

The Ubuntu team has released the first, and probably only, beta version of the next generation of Ubuntu with Long Term Support (LTS), Ubuntu 8.04.

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Fedora 9 Goes Beta

Mar 25, 2008

The Fedora project has just released the beta version of the upcoming Fedora 9 distribution.

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First Beta Version of Ulteo Online Operating System

Mar 20, 2008

Gaël Duval has announced the first beta release of the Ulteo Application System. This innovative Linux distribution aims to drastically simplify the use of computers applying thin client principles to do so.

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Bossa Conference 2008: Ubuntu for UMPCs

Mar 19, 2008

Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded (UME) will be out soon, and Linux Magazine Brazil had a preview at Bossa Conference 2008, presented by Adilson Oliveira from Canonical. UME is targeted at connectivity devices, such as UMPCs and MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices), but not at cell phones, as they are "too closed", according to Oliveira.

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Lenny the First - Debian Installer Beta

Mar 18, 2008

The Debian Installer team has just released the first beta version of its installer for the next Debian release, Lenny.

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Virtual Live Distro Sampler DVD Inlay

Mar 14, 2008
This month we bring you a Virtual Live Distro Sampler created exclusively for Linux Magazine and Linux Pro Magazine.......
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