New openSUSE Chairman Announces Foundation and Community Goals

Dec 23, 2010

In a joint openSUSE Board and community meeting, the new openSUSE Chairman, Alan Clark defines goals and explains his role in the community.

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Red Hat Reports Positive Third Quarter Earnings

Dec 22, 2010

Reporting $236 million in growth revenue and $198 million in subscription revenue Red Hat's third quarter earnings are up 21 percent over last year.

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K16 Introduced To Focus KDE's Future

Dec 21, 2010

"Where will KDE be in five years,"asks KDE e.V. board member, Frank Karlitschek, and the K16 planning meetings aim to focus community members 'visions' for the project to answer this question.

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libguestfs 1.8.0 Released--Debian, Ubuntu and ArchLinux Now Supported

Dec 20, 2010

libguestfs 1.8.0, a library and tool set for virtual machine (VM) disk image management.

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Red Hat Partners with Eucalyptus

Dec 16, 2010

New partnership increases the cross-cloud compatibility of both companies.

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Alan Clark Announced As New openSUSE Board Chair

Dec 15, 2010

“I look forward to working closely with the community to further its mission of not only creating the best Linux distribution in the world, but also actively engaging with the broader open source communities around the world," said Alan Clark in the press release.

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Ubuntu Unity Demo

Dec 10, 2010

Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, recorded a short demonstration of the current state of Unity.

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Brazilian Ministry of Education Plans Mandriva Deployment

Dec 09, 2010

The Brazilian government education authority is set to deploy Intel-powered classmate PCs running Mandriva.

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