Red Hat Acquires Makara

Nov 30, 2010

Red Hat accelerates Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution strategy with Makara acquisition.

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Caine The Caine 2.0 forensic distribution

Nov 29, 2010

Caine is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 10.04 for forensic scientists and security-conscious administrators. Poised to do battle against IT ne’er-do-wells, Caine has a comprehensive selection of software, a user-friendly GUI, and responsive support.

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What About openSUSE?

Nov 24, 2010

Attachmate plans to operate Novell and SUSE as two separate business units. But what about openSUSE?

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Linux Magazine DVD Inlay Exclusive!

Nov 23, 2010
9GB software, more than 3,000 packages Latest packages from future Debian "squeeze" Includes flash-kno......
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Community Notebook: Cache 2011 Predictions

Nov 23, 2010

Rikki asks the Magic 8 Ball (actually, her Facebook friends) what 2011 will bring. Also, updates on Gnome and CeBIT.

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Letters Write Access

Nov 23, 2010

Linux Livelihood


Dear Rikki Kite: I picked up a copy of Linux Magazine the other day and read your most current, interesting article. Since you welcomed ideas for topics, I have a topic that never seems to be addressed.

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Knoppix 6.4 EXCLUSIVE! & Fedora 14 Double-Sided DVD

Nov 23, 2010

Knoppix 6.4: The popular Knoppix is the quintessential Live troubleshooting tool for admins, developers, and desktop Linux users.

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Ubuntu Patch Pilot Program Underway

Nov 23, 2010

Program aims to guide new developers through the Ubuntu packaging waters.

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