Michael Löffler Leaves openSUSE

Nov 10, 2010

Löffler accepts trade show management position at a Nuremberg company.

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Devil-Linux 1.4 Released

Nov 10, 2010

Devil-Linux 1.4 is now available for download.

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Monitoring with Nagios: New Online Training from the Linux Magazine Academy

Nov 09, 2010

In partnership with technology business solutions provider Netways, Linux Magazine Academy now offers online training for the Nagios monitoring infrastructure.

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Fedora 14 Takes Flight

Nov 02, 2010

Energetic Fedora community unveils fresh Fedora 14 and updated website

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SUSE Studio Builds Images for Amazon EC2

Oct 28, 2010

A new feature has emerged in SUSE Studio, the build format for Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

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This month's DVD Double-sided DVD

Oct 26, 2010

The sleek and smart Ubuntu Linux rolls out a brand new release – with plenty of powerful tools for the home and business.

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Write Access mozStorage

Oct 26, 2010

The PublicSQL article in the October 2010 issue was interesting, and I’m sure readers would be interested to know that you can use the mozStorage API to write data to a local SQLite database.

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Linux Magazine DVD Inlay Maverick Meerkat Just Released!

Oct 26, 2010
Brand New "Maverick Meerkat" release Check out the latest software Improved Ubuntu One Integration Up......
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