bash News and Articles

Using the OpenSSL toolkit with Bash

KNOW-HOW: Cryptic

Two Simple .bashrc Tweaks

Productivity Sauce


Bash Tips: Debugging and Configuration


Even tried and trusted configurations that have proved their value through the years can be tripped up by special cases – for example, all of your users logging in with the same IP address. Experienced administrators and Bash aficionados will then enable debugging and launch a systematic search for configuration errors.

Bash Tips: Passing Passwords


Bash offers any number of simplifications, especially when it comes to pesky individual steps in installation routines for larger software packages. Some caution is advisable, though, if you need to handle database and application passwords, which can easily be compromised.

Dress Up Bash Scripts with YAD

Productivity Sauce


Bash Tips: Autocompletion


Steer around errors and save yourself some typing by adding autocompletion to your Bash scripts.

Review: "The Linux Command Line"

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Better Bash

Shell scripts from hell: Shebang


In the beginning was the double pound sign and the exclamation mark – or at least shell scripts always start this way. The inventor, Dennis Ritchie, really didn’t know how much pain this was going to cause users.

Sync Files with bitpocket

Productivity Sauce


Back up MySQL Databases with a Simple Bash Script

Productivity Sauce

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