Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala DVD Inlay

Jan 06, 2010
This tight and well-tuned system is easy to learn and use – with a sensible user interface and lots of extras for the......
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Lenovo Skylight: First Netbook with ARM CPU

Jan 06, 2010

A year ago Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon platform with ARM processor at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2010. Now the first real devices are coming to market. The operating system is Linux.

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Clutter 1.1.4 Understands OpenGL Better

Jan 06, 2010

On the way to GNOME 2.30 and Moblin 2.2, the Clutter project has released a new developers snapshot version of its 3D toolkit with many improved details.

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Nexus One: Google Mobile Phone Takes Shape

Jan 06, 2010

The Google search engine folks officially presented their Nexus smartphone based on Android on January 5.

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26C3: Milkymist Visual Synthesizer Soon with Ethernet and USB

Dec 30, 2009

Initiator and main developer of the Milkymist project, Sébastien Bourdeauducq, showed a prototype of his visual synthesizer at the latest Chaos Congress and builds his own board for it.

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New Salix OS Version 13.0.2 Released

Dec 29, 2009

Thorsten Muehlfelder and the Salix team have released a new version of the Slackware-based distribution Salix OS, available for the first time as 64 bit variation.

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Greg's Kernel Report: Android Drivers to Be Dropped, Same Possible Fate for Microsoft Hyper-V

Dec 24, 2009

Kernel developer and Novell coworker Greg Kroah-Hartman manages new drivers in a separate tree for the Linux drivers project. He most recently reported that a few projects will have to depart from Kernel 2.6.33, among them also Google.

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Opendesktop.org with openSUSE Build Service Integration

Dec 24, 2009

There's a lot more to the openSUSE build service than just openSUSE. The service builds packages for numerous other projects, now also including Opendesktop.org.

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