Linux Magazine DVD

Nov 30, 2009


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Linux Mint 8 Released

Nov 30, 2009

Ubuntu fans that have slight problems with their current version 9.10 might want to look at Linux Mint. Version 8, a.k.a. "Helena," is now ready for download.

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Ubuntu's B-Sides: Alternative Apps

Nov 30, 2009

In his blog, Canonical coworker Jorge O. Castro announces his so-called "b-sides" of Ubuntu, software that didn't make it into Ubuntu's standard installation.

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OpenSUSE LiveUSB with Second Partition

Nov 27, 2009

Installing openSUSE on a USB stick hasn't been a problem since version 11.2. But using the stick for more than installation media requires a little trick.

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Ubuntu One Clients for KDE and Fedora

Nov 26, 2009

Ever since the Ubuntu One cloud service played an important role in Ubuntu 10.04, a new prototype of a KDE client has become available. A port to Fedora is also in the works.

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PulseAudio: New Version with Support in KDE 4.4

Nov 25, 2009

Phonon in KDE 4.4 now supports PulseAudio. Ubuntu 9.10 users can install a new version of the sound server via Launchpad PPA.

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Ubuntu Guru Calls for Desktop Help

Nov 25, 2009

Bryce Harrington is agonizing over the nontrivial task of delivering a working X server for Ubuntu. On the Ubuntu desktop mailing list he speaks of a flood of bug reports and appeals to improving the situation.

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Linux Magazine DVD “KARMIC KOALA”

Nov 24, 2009
Ubuntu Linux is one of the most popular Linux distros in the world. This tight and well-tuned system is easy to learn......
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