Couturier Merges PDF Files on GNOME Desktop

Oct 16, 2009

The Couturier Mono program merges multiple PDFs into a single file. It follows the old UNIX policy: one program for one task.

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OpenSUSE 11.2: First Release Candidate

Oct 16, 2009

The first openSUSE 11.2 release candidate is ready for download. RC2 is planned for the end of October with a final version expected November 12.

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Relaxed Ubuntu 9.10: CouchDB to be Integrated

Oct 15, 2009

Even though Ubuntu 9.10 is officially completed, developers managed to slip in the new beta version of Apache CouchDB that stores addresses, notes and bookmarks.

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Bash Completion 1.1 Adds Shell Functionality

Oct 14, 2009

The Bash shell has long supported extending command completion through scripts. The Bash-Completion package delivers full scripts for Linux commands and is currently available in version 1.1.

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RPM New Features

Oct 13, 2009

A few RPM developers from Red Hat and Novell met at the openSUSE Conference 2009 in September. The results of the meeting are now online.

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(Update) Belier: SSH with Points Along the Way

Oct 12, 2009

An SSH connection to a not directly linked system frequently makes at least one hop through the DMZ. The Belier tool simplifies this process. The program is now available in Debian's sid repository.

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Robot Submarine Wins with Debian

Oct 09, 2009

A robotic submarine driven by Debian has won first place in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) competition run at a U.S. Naval facility. The Debian project lauds the participating undergrads from Cornell University.

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Improved Interoperability: Red Hat Deepens Virtualization Effort with Microsoft

Oct 08, 2009

Red Hat and Microsoft have deepened their partnership even further in the virtualization realm under the concept of "interoperabiity." Cross-certification should lead to more satisfied customers.

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