Where In the World Are the Most Debian Developers?

Oct 07, 2009

Christian Perrier (Bubulle) issued statistics in his blog that show which countries of the world have the largest per capita Debian developers. First place goes to Finland.

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Canonical Raises Ubuntu One Storage to 50 GBytes

Oct 06, 2009

With the upcoming version 9.10 the Ubuntu One DropBox clone will be integrated automatically into Ubuntu's GNOME desktop. Paying customers will get a significant storage capacity upgrade.

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Google Begins Test Phase for Wave

Oct 05, 2009

Four months have gone by since Google announced their new, innovative communication solution, Wave. Last week was the beginning of its test phase.

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Opensuse 11.2 Last Beta

Oct 02, 2009

The now released test version of openSUSE 11.2 is to be the last beta. The first release candidate will appear mid-October.

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Ubuntu Karmic Koala Enters Beta Test

Oct 02, 2009

Like openSUSE, the Ubuntu project has released its first beta version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala). The final version should appear October 29.

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Ask Klaus!

Sep 30, 2009
I purchased a copy of Linux Magazine/Linux Pro Magazine to test the new version of Knoppix; however, when I try to bo......
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Barrelfish: Multikernel Operating System out of Zurich

Sep 30, 2009

A group from the ETH technical institute in Zurich is working together with software giant Microsoft on a new kind of operating system called Barrelfish. The first results are now available under an open source license.

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Moblin Brings Btrfs into View, Eschews Ext4

Sep 29, 2009

The recently released version 2.0 of Moblin elicited significant feedback. One frequently posed question was, why not ext4?

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