DVD Inlay

Oct 28, 2009
PCLinuxOS, Linux Mint, Puppy Linux, and more!...
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OpenSUSE Calls Second Board Election

Oct 27, 2009

OpenSUSE awards two old and one new executive board positions to two community members and a Novell employee.

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Ubuntu 9.10 Release Candidate Ready for Download

Oct 23, 2009

The first and last release candidate for Ubuntu 9.10 is now available for download.

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Free RHEL: CentOS 5.4 Ready

Oct 22, 2009

The CentOS Project has released its Community Enterprise Linux in version 5.4, and for the first time, a Live CD for i386 is simultaneously available.

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Eeebuntu changes to Debian Unstable

Oct 22, 2009

Future development of the netbook distro Eeebuntu will be based on Debian Unstable instead of the Ubuntu core that has been used until now.

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Nook: E-Book Reader from Barnes and Noble

Oct 21, 2009

Book dealer Barnes and Noble (B&N) has announced its own e-book reader, named Nook, equipped with 3G wireless and two displays.

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IBM Promotes Ubuntu-Based Cloud Solution in U.S.

Oct 21, 2009

To coincide with the Windows 7 launch, IBM issued a press release yesterday promoting its Ubuntu-based IBM Client for Smart Work solution.

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Happybuntu! 5 Years Ubuntu

Oct 20, 2009

The Ubuntu community has a lot to celebrate this month: on October 16, 2004 the German ubuntuusers.de went online for the first time and October 20 of the same year saw the release of Ubuntu 4.10, alias Warty Warthog.

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