Mark Shuttleworth Resigns as Canonical CEO

Dec 18, 2009

Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu and CEO of Canonical has announced the transfer of his post to Canonical COO Jane Silber.

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Fedora Will Make the Leap to Package Source Control System Git

Dec 18, 2009

During the FUDCon in Toronto, the Fedora team discussed changes to central infrastructure, among which the change to Git.

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ODROID: Portable Android-Based Game Console

Dec 16, 2009

In simple terms, the ODROID game console comes down to iPhone hardware mixed with Android software in a Nintendo box.

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Cyberthreat Forecasts for 2010: More Complex with New Targets

Dec 16, 2009

Russian security experts Kaspersky ventures a forecast for malware development in 2010 and sees new types of attacks coming our way.

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APT2 to Accelerate Debian Package Installation

Dec 15, 2009

Debian and Ubuntu developer Julian Andres Klode has reported in his blog about the progress of his APT2 software, an alternative implementation of the Debian Advanced Packaging Tool (APT).

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Microsoft Puts Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool under GPL

Dec 11, 2009

Microsoft had released a tool in mid-November that generated bootable USB media or a DVD from the download version of Windows 7 and that conflicted with the GNU Public License. They now followed up by putting the tool under GPLv2.

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Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Enters Alpha

Dec 11, 2009

After saying farewell to the functionally replete Ubuntu 9.10, developers are working on the next version, 10.04, which should be particularly stable. The first alpha of its LTS version has now arrived.

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Linux Beta from Google's Chrome Browser

Dec 09, 2009

Google has released the first beta version of its Chrome browser for Linux and Mac OS for download. Until now, only an open source variation, Chromium, has been Linux compatible.

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